Writewell - Calligraphy Fonts

by BitDance Lab For Fun App&Calligraphy Art Fonts



Writewell is a copybook app designed for English language learners. It can automatically generate English copybooks on Mobile Phone、Pad, and supports export and printing. The application is equipped with a variety of fonts that are popular among candidates and English calligraphy enthusiasts, including Hengshui, ES, Copperplate copper plate printing, Italic Italic, Uncial Ansel font, Spencer Spencer font, Gothic Gothic, Business Penmanship cursive, Cadels floral, and more. In addition, Writewell perfectly supports Apple Pencil, making it easy for you to copy or paint red. Download Writewell now and enjoy creating beautiful English copybooks!If you have any usage issues, please contact us at: [email protected][Our application provides rich features to enhance your calligraphy experience]- The app has a large number of built-in fonts for you to choose from.- You can also adjust various wireframe formats, edit calligraphy content, and customize text colors, wireframe colors, and background colors.- In addition, our application also supports precise positioning of text position offset adjustments.- Download our app and explore more exciting features![Introduction to some built-in English fonts]Italic Four Hengshui Font, Snell Roundhand, Apple SD Gothic Neo, Apple Symbols, Academy Engraved LET, Al Nile, American Typewriter, Apple Color Emoji, Arial, Arial Hebrew, Arial Rounded MT Bold, Avenir, Avenir Next, Avenir Next Condensed, Baskerville, Bodoni 72, Bodoni 72 Oldstyle, Bodoni 72 Smallcaps, Bodoni Ornaments, Bradley Hand, Chalkboard SE, Chalkduster, Charter, Cochin, Copperplate, Courier, Courier New, Damascus, Devanagari Sangam MN, Didot, DIN Alternate, DIN Condensed, Euphemia UCAS, Farah, Futura, Galvji, Geeza Pro, Georgia, Gill Sans…- All private data will be processed in accordance with the Writewell App privacy policy and terms.https://privacy-1258150360.cos.ap-shanghai.myqcloud.com/ww_gp_privacy_en.html